Tuesday, 29 December 2009

Birth of Ariana Pt 2

contractions getting stronger.....nurse offered the ethonox gas....mula2 try hisap...mcm xberkesan, so hisap main2 =P....

by dis time i really felt sleepy..dgn dok thn sakitnya...nurse dtg cek lg...'u nk pki gas ka xmau? gas ni bleh tlg u lg cepat beranak.i tunjuk u mcm mana pki.mau ka?'....dengar nurse kata lg cepat beranak....'ok2.nk pki.'...so she demo how to use the thing properly....during the first time, the nurse juz install dat thing n teach me roughly how to breathe...not in detail...but dis time she saw how i was doing it n corrected me....'kena tarik nafas pjg2.tarik lg nafas.hembus dlm tu jugak.smpi ilang contraction br bukak mask.'....no wonder it doesnt work the first time, i was juz taking short breath..hihi....it doesnt make the pain go away but making me feel even drowsier....dont like the smell of the mask or the gas tho....when breathing out in the mask, it gets stuffy inside...but i used it till the end...till ariana was out...

suddenly my stomach was cramping....i was like wat is happening...n i felt the urge to push out...hubby saw my stomach n he said...'hah, baby tgh gerak tu'....sambil smiling....'nooo.dat is not bby gerak.dat is......(i oso dunno what)'....first time parents maa, so we dont actually know dat is a sign of baby wanting to come out....really felt the pain now....org kata mcm nk terberak....by dis time dlm ati : kalo aku terberak pon nasibla.xmalu apa dahh....

then at one moment, i opened my eyes there were nobody in the room....no hubby, no nurse....'waaaa, aku tgh sakit ni xdak org la plak'....hubby was in the toilet....i tot he needs to do the normal thing but much2 later he told me dat he cannot see me in pain...so he needs to runaway for awhile...hati lelaki pon bleh tersentuh tau....

hubby called the nurse...she came to see me...by now i wasnt resisting or fighting the pain....juz going wit the flow of pushing...she said if i can push n she can see the baby's head about 50cent big...she's going to call the dr....do u hv any idea how big the 50cent is??? well she didnt wait for long n soon the dr. came....

she checked my opening...'ok.fully dilated.can give birth now.'.....so the nurse started to prepare things i.e. adjusting the bed so dat i can sit up straight, put something to support my legs (so dat my legs are higher up)....i think somewhere at dis time the dr. starts to gunting...dis was told by hubby....she was looking at hubby hoping dat she can secretly gunting...but i didnt feel it, so i dont care...then i started to push...

there were 2 nurses (1 chinese n 1 indian), 1 doctor n hubby...very muhibah n 1 malaysia gituhh...they were all shouting ....'push.push harder.sikit lagi.sikit lagi intan.'.....i dunno how many times i pushed,more than 5 times i bet.....at one point dr. fawziah was saying..'dat was a good push.now, can u give me 500percent more than juz now?'.....'hahahahha, u very funny la doc'.....

so, finally at 6.23pm...i felt the gush of something hot coming out of me....the nurse put ariana on me n showed the gender...i was sooooooo relieved no more pushing...actually was quite scared she'll be lemas or something.....i was also chanting...'oh, my baby.my baby.my baby.'.....i dunno how many times i was saying my baby,my baby....as soon as after labor, the dr. quickly continue her work...stitching of coz....even i try to ask her jahit byk ke, she'll shushh me n asked me to relax...

basically, the role of the chinese nurse was to take away the baby n do all dats needed like check-ups etc....no wonder she was holding a long tube when i was in labor...tiub tu utk sedut2 msk dlm hidung, tekak....to clean up the baby..... hubby watched dis while i was being cleaned...kluar2 je baby, nurse tu trus suh hubby ikut dia....kinda like xmo bg hubby tgk dr. do all the stitching.....but i bet hubby dont want to watch either =P....

the role of the indian nurse plak was to gosok2 my perut...like helping me to push the baby out...also to bg semangat =)....

the dr. did the stitching i think for almost an hour.....she even counted how many cloth she used....the 'kain kasa' type, mayb its expensive...

i think i managed to breastfeed the baby during the first hour...we said earlier dat the baby would be fully bf....didnt realize what time did the nurse push her in the trolley...saat yg plg membahagiakan....nurse thought me how to bf her...alhamdulillah she knows how to suck....i think she must b very hungry, the last meal was just a roti canai dat morning....now i remember what i ate =P....

im really thankful to Allah for blessing us wit such a beautiful and perfect baby...Alhamdulillah...thanks to hubby for staying by my side almost all the time...akceli, masa nk dkt2 beranak tuh....ada hati lg nk kluaq labor room..my BIL called him to ask bout the progress so he wanna go meet both parents who were waiting outside the whole time...i gave the 'manjaest' look n he knew dat i wouldnt let him go..bkn apa, kalo aku dah terberanak dlu, dia xsempat tgk, mcm mana??

n dats the whole story of how Wan Intan Ariana Bt. Wan Azhar was born....

Monday, 28 December 2009

The birth of Wan Intan Ariana Bt. Wan Azhar

2/12/2009 marks the birth of my beloved child....The journey of parenthood starts here.....

3.30 am
Starts to feel 'senggugut' but not a major one..cannot sleep tho, pusing kiri, pusing kanan, tgk dinding, tgk blakang hubby (lenanya dia)...went to the toilet a few times....until 5.30am...br pengsan zzzzzz.......

tired n not enuf sleep....stil hv to wake up....kena jumpa dr. at klinik kesihatan coz dah overdue 1 hari (mengikut calculation buku merah which i dont quite agree dat is due date....will story bout dat later)...hv to arrive early so dat dont hv to wait a long queue...hv lots of experience whereby kene tunggu sgt lama ( equivalent to 2,3 hours) becoz...alah gomen, standardlah kan......

so, mandi2, siap2..kejut hubby (yg susah nk bgn kalo bkn hari dia keja.... he supposedly took a half day off)...by dis time the pain has gone....alhamdulillah....stil hoping xyah beranak lg =P....

arrive at the clinic...stil happy coz get there early (dis is something dat we rarely do....heheh...alasan : penat bekerja di weekdays)....

akan tetapi kena marah ngn misi....why? well, my beloved husband asked the nurse.....'sakit contraction tu mcm mana ek nurse?'.....'hah, ada contraction ka? dah berapa minggu ni (while looking at the red book)? huisy, dah 40 minggu dah ni.awat mai cni. awat xpi hospital.pi hospital teruih.'.....then only later she answered the question.....'contraction tu sakit mcm nk period, mcm nk buang air pon ada...bla bla bla'.....

so, we decided to go to the hospital....by dis time i was stil hoping dr bg blk...rehat kat umah dlu...dat was just a tipu2 contraction....nnt betoi2 sakit br pegi hosp...how wrong was i.....

anyways, i've already set in my mind (after reading forums and articles as well as experience told by others)....i must do these 3 things if turun tanda/nk kena pegi hosp...well just in case dr. nk suh beranak gak, kenala:
  1. mandi : ada akak motorola tu ckp...kalo mandi, lg cepat beranak sbb pengalaman dia rasa sakit ja, mandi...xlama pastu baby pon kluar...azimah pon follow dis advice n somehow quite true coz dia turun tanda at 6am, beranak at 12tghari (kira agak senangla)...dis one checked, b4 gi klinik dah mandi
  2. makan : in order to meneran, u need energy....bila dah admit, xleh makan sedap2 dah....dlm pantang pon dah xleh mkn sedap2 dah...so, we went for breakfast and i think i ate koay teow kerang
  3. amik brg2 di rumah : air selusuh, akar fatimah, kurma, madu, air zam zam n beg pegi hosp...air selusuh n akar fatimah utk bg senang bersalin...the rest utk belah mulut (not quite sure which to use so we brought all =D)...also took the opportunity to kemas2 umah lbh kurg coz i might not be back to the house for 1month++...
arrive at the intended hospital KPJ Penang Specialist at Perda...since our first visit to Dr. Fawziah when i was 7months pregnant, i've already kinda set my mind....nk beranak cni, seronoknya,mcm hotel =P....well the hospital was new, juz open a few months back...even the opening ceremony was only held by end of nov....so, everything is new...so u can imagine how much to pay.....

each specialist has his/her own clinic inside the building n decorated by themselves....so Dr. Fawziah's was painted in blue....quite soothing....with white sofa n a sliding door to her room...very luxurious....so again, imagine how much we had to pay...

waited for the dr. on the white sofa for about half an hour...she hasnt arrive yet, apparently she stays in penang island...last2 i cannot sit still, so went for a walk when suddenly i saw her rushing in...huhu, debaran semakin terasa...

went into the dr.'s room...cita ngn dr. lbh kurg....'okeh, now u lie down, kita cek dulu'......n by dat she means to 'seluk' into me nk cek dah bukak ke blom......a very2 painful experience....dont want to repeat dat tp apakan daya....'juz relax, jgn wat keras'....i think she repeated dat a few times....dlm hati mmgla menyumpah....'dah bukak 1-2cm, so nk beranak cni ka?'.....'yes'....'ok, kita msk labor room trus, i mskkan oxytocin (i vaguely remember the name...betul kot) bg dilute cepat, nk bukak lg senang'.....'erkk, bkn msk wad dlu ek'....xpayah, trus labor room, nk bg blk umah dlu pon takut xsempat, so nnt receptionist arrangekan, ptg nnt bleh beranak'....'erkk'....

by dis time i still xturun tanda...juz a bit of blood coz the dr. seluk2, msk ubat....wahh debaran semakin kuat...

called both parents to inform..

msk labor room tingkat 4...nurse suh tukar baju hosp...put dat heartbeat thingy on my stomach to make a chart.....sambil tunggu dr. dtg lg skali to check....i dont quite remember what happen dis time.....maklumla dah nk dekat sebulan br nk menulis =).....then later dr. suh jln2 dlm hosp, mcm biasa nk bg lg cepat beranak...

2-bedded and 3-bedded rooms were full, so hubby persuaded to take the single-bedded, 4-bedded are just too many people (dlm hati, hosp mahai pon rmi org)...after checking in, both parents arrived...they talked, me n hubby sibuk berjln....tawaf di tingkat satu.....

by dis time my pain has gotten stronger....tawaf tingkat satu tu survey toilet, surau, cafe, kedai bunga etc.....smpi bleh jumpa bilik mayat....oooppss, patah blk, patah blk....

dr. suh msk blk labor room....so while waited for the dr. to come n check (equivalent to seluk time again)....i heard voices of breathing heavily n the sound of meneran....then nurse suh 'push..skit lg...push'.....hohoho, saiko2....then few minutes later senyap...org tu dah slamat beranak...pastu sambung ada org lain plak....tup2 dah slamat beranak...ahahahha, pressure2...two people hv given birth in 1hour....biaq betoi...

anyways, dr. come n check....br 3-4cm....dlm ati : omg, dis is going 2 b a long labor.....she also broke my air ketuban.....after dat, i would drink the air selusuh, air akar fatimah once every half an hour or so....nurse akn dtg tgk...they were very nice indeed (dlm ati : private la katakan)....

contractions getting stronger....amazingly, i still managed to sleep tho in between the contractions (note : i didnt hv enuf sleep dat morning n never hv until now...waaaaa)....at one point i was sitting on a chair n falling asleep....a nurse came to check n she said.....'kalo bleh duduk mcm ni, lmbt lg ni nk beranak'.....huhu, dis is not enuf isit? dah sakit ni....bila nk kluaq ni....

n all dis happen wit hubby holding loyally holding my hand, usap2 kepala n standing....n ive never been thankful enuf to hv a husband like him..

too much rambling in one post dy...to be continued in second part....

wedding ticker

Daisypath Anniversary tickers